Electric Bike Anti Theft – How to Make Your eBike Theft Resistant

It’s no surprising fact that electric bikes have become a great target for theft. This is because of how highly valued they have become. Aside from their increasing popularity and demand rate, e-bikes have shown to be more beneficial than traditional bikes in the increase in range and speed, making it easier for individuals to commute.

Prevention of bike theft includes getting locks, installing e-bike alarms, finding a good location to park your bike, and more preventive measures, which we will discuss in this article.

Anti Theft Devices for Electric Bikes

Bicycle theft is a billion-dollar problem across North America, according to a study by Project 529 Garage, the world’s largest bicycle registry. It is also discovered that more than 2 million bikes are stolen each year in North America. That is, bikes go missing every 30 seconds.

You can prevent your bike theft by following these tips.

1. Implement Bike Locks

One of the safest ways to secure your e-bike is by getting a bike lock. Locks are not scarce, and you can find them anywhere. Despite that, it is best to buy locks of high quality. It is a bit more expensive than the regular locks but also harder to manipulate and get broken.

different colored bike locks

Higher quality locks typically cost at least $35 but may vary from $40-$150.

To make your lock challenging to break, you need to get a really solid lock with at least 16mm thickness because they are usually the hardest to break with bolt cutters.

Make Use of Multiple Locks

Two high-quality locks are better than one! The goal of most thieves is to find bikes that are easier to steal. When the bike thieves find out that your electric bike has more than one high-quality lock, they will leave because it has reduced their chances of stealing bikes.

Additionally, bike theft does not only involve stealing the bikes as a whole; it could also involve stealing the important parts of the e-bike, such as the battery, wheels, seats, stems, and handlebars. It is then necessary to lock down the battery and wheels as it is very easy for thieves to steal the other parts.

Best Locks To Prevent Bike Theft

Different kinds and brands of locks provide excellent protection against bike theft, but how will you figure out the right ones? Here is a list and description of good locks you can make use of.

U Locks

These are u-shaped locks that go around the bike frame and wheel and then lock themselves to prevent theft. It is important to get a U lock that fits tight around your bike and what you will lock it with. Therefore, it will create fewer advantages for thieves.

bike u lock

Also, ensure that whatever you are locking the bike with is tougher than your bike so that your bike frame becomes the weakest link. You can make use of strong railings, parking meters, or signs.

U locks can also be called D locks, depending on who you are buying from.

Chain Locks

Chain locks come in different sizes and weights, making them quite portable. It is usually more expensive than U locks. You can decide to get the chain and lock separately to ensure that both are of high standards.

bike chain lock

Chain locks have different lengths, so you can easily wrap them around your bike. In addition, when buying a chain, it’s worth making sure it has some cover, as you don’t want to scratch the frame with bare links.

Folding Locks

Folding locks are the best bet when you want to avoid the stress of carrying chain locks and U locks. Although it is still heavy, it contracts into a portable shape, making it more mobile. They are usually wrapped like a chain, and you can easily attach them to your bike.

folding lock

The Best Electric Bike Lock Brands

Aside from using multiple locks, getting your locks from a reliable brand that produces high-quality locks is still necessary. You can also research the brands and read the review of those who have experienced them.

The two most recommended brands for U locks, chain locks, and folding locks brands are Abus and Kryptonite. They both have a solid reputation and are worth considering for those who want to buy a reputable bike lock.

Kryptonite provides an anti-theft feature that pays up to a certain amount if your bike is stolen. This is definitely worth considering. The best Kryptonite lock for e-bikes is the Kryptonite New York Heavy Duty U Lock. This durable bike lock features a hardened 16mm steel shackle and a 4.7/5 sold secure rating.

Another Kryptonite lock is the Kryptonite Krptolok New-U. It has a 12.7 mm steel shaking and a secure rating of 4.6/5.

On the other hand, Abus is a German lock brand that has an excellent engineering reputation. One of its products for U locks is the Abus Granit X Plus 540. This lock has made it very difficult to break, and it’s longer than other locks to give into bolt cutter attacks. It is made of hardened steel and is often used to secure motorcycles.

Abus also produced a folding lock named the Abus Bordo 6500 with a secure rating of 4.6/5 and a thickness of 5.5 mm.

There is another good folding lock brand: the Foldylock Compact, and it is cheaper than the Abus Bordo 6500.

Lastly, a good chain lock recommendation would be the Hiplock Gold Chain. Its heavyweight of 4.8 lb is a disadvantage for bike thieves.

Below is a table image that shows bike locks produced by various reliable lock brands as well as their features:

2. E-Bike Alarm Locks

Anti-theft alarm locks for electric bikes are one of the applaudable innovations for the protection of e-bikes. Motorcyclists mostly use it, but with the growing interest in e-bikes, most bike owners have considered it to invest in alarm locks.

Unlike U locks and other locks in its category, the alarm lock is designed to set off an alarm sound after being tampered with. There is a transmitter in the device that generates such sounds.

The sound is usually loud to create awareness for the bike owner or anyone around to stop the thief. It can also add as a means to scare away the bike thief.

A good recommendation for an alarm device for your electric bike is the WSDCAM 113DB. It is a favorite amongst cyclists. A bike thief still has the opportunity to find and remove the device because WSDCAM 113DB does not set off a pre-alarm like most alarm clocks. However, it is still a good product, and most thieves will probably leave if the alarm goes off.

There are other good brands of alarm clocks such as the Alarm-D Pro, Abus Bordo, AlARM 6000A, Abus 770A Smart-X, and Ziilock. They are relatively cheap, so it is worth getting.

3. Bring Your E-Bike Inside

When bike locks seem expensive for you to get, there are other ways to approach them that will not cost you to protect your e-bike. One of them is bringing your e-bike inside with you. Yes, it might seem a little bit complicated to do when you are in public places.

Most retail places like shopping malls or stores allow you to bring in your bike. Not all, though, but it is still better to ask the managers first and bring in your e-bike whenever possible than risking its protection by parking it outside.

4. Apply GPS Tracking

The advancement in GPS devices has made it easier to track your device when stolen. It is best to conceal a GPS tracking system in your battery, saddle, or light not to be too noticeable. A GPS tracker might be at a disadvantage when a professional thief targets your e-bike. The bike thief will most likely inspect your e-bike to get rid of any devices as quickly as possible.

gps tracking device

GPS devices also have supporting apps on phones to get real-time information on your e-bike and significantly reduce theft. It also alerts cyclists when someone is moving an electric bike. The phone will vibrate and warn you immediately as soon as the electric bike is stolen or removed.

There are reliable brands to get your GPS tracker, like the SINOTRACK. It’s 8cm x 7cm, so you have to be creative to find a place where thieves can’t find it. Another reliable brand is the LEO GPS SMART BIKE LOCK. It is more expensive than SINOTRACK, and it has a tamper alarm, lock, and tracking device.

A more established brand, Sherlock, provides a way to attach the tracking device to the handlebar and can be tracked with a mobile phone app, making it much harder to find. Other GPS tracker brands include the Samsung Smartthings Tracker, Tile Sticker, Spytec GPS, and Invoxia GPS Tracker. 

5. Park Your E-Bike in Different Locations

Parking your e-bikes in the same place every day can increase theft risks. When you park your e-bike in the same location as a daily routine, it allows professional thieves to study patterns and locking systems in preparation for targeted attacks. They will also study your routine to determine how many hours your bike has been left unattended.

This particular kind of theft can be hard to avoid because it takes weeks for a bike thief to study and create a plan before execution. Such a plan involves preparing for your bike lock, scheduling a transportation system in the area, and some cases, setting up a trap.

It is then significant that while you can safely lock your bike, find different places to lock it or try parking on different sides of the building you commute to. This will act as anti-theft protection, making it difficult for your bike to be stolen.

6. Get an Insurance for Your E-Bike

Some companies that offer bike insurance, such as Velosurance,are used by many riders. Often, these specialty insurances provide more protection than homeowner or renter insurance, but there are still some areas of coverage you need to consider.

You should note that the initial purchase price of an e-bike often does not match the price you would receive in the event of damage. Insurance policies often devalue e-bikes over time. This makes sense because e-bikes age and lose value as new designs and technologies hit the market.

Also, be sure to check the specific details and ask if the insurance covers the damage to your e-bike as a result of a failed theft attempt, as well as the theft of accessories such as GPS, batteries, and helmets.

Is E-Bike Insurance Worth It?

Electric bicycle insurance is worth it, but not all bike owners need it. If you have home, renter, or condo insurance, your bike may be automatically insured up to a certain amount.

However, property insurance does not provide the unique protection you get with stand-alone electric bicycle insurance, such as roadside assistance, replacement cost compensation, and member group discounts. If you want more protection for your bike and yourself, it may be worth taking out e-bike insurance.

7. Adopt Camouflage Method

Camouflaging is a creative way to secure your e-bike. It involves painting your electric bikes to make them look older and less desirable. Many electric bikes have a new and shiny look, but if you’re willing to sacrifice the look for better protection, then this is a good option to protect it from thieves.

You can use different methods to camouflage your bike, such as fake rust painted on the frame and handlebars, scraps of duct tape, random bits of spray paint, a grocery bag over the seat, mismatched handgrips, and so on.

The aim is to avoid your electric bicycle screaming, ā€œIā€™m a brand new, expensive toy!ā€ This will help reduce the attention from bike thieves.

8. Create Fake Warning Signs

If getting an actual alarm or tracking device is expensive for you, another great way to fool bike thieves is to create a fake but genuine warning sign to mount on your bike.

Thieves often choose the simpler option. So even having handmade signs (with lots of padlocks) can make them pass your motorcycle and try their luck on another.

There are many templates you can use for certain boards, or just grab one yourself. These signs may include a warning label that a GPS tracker is on the bike or an alarm that will sound if the lock is damaged.

If you parked your electric bicycle outside your home or office, you add that your electric bicycle is being monitored by a security camera around you. You can do it even without a security camera. The mere hint that hidden forces are working, with relentless 24/7 vigilance, is enough to show many bike thieves elsewhere.

Although they might ask if you are tinkering, they will at least still give it a thought. All of this, in turn, affects the mental arithmetic of the risks they are taking. It’s up to you to build up the odds for them.

9. Note the Serial Number of Your E-Bike

The bike serial number is stamped under the bottom bracket, and if the bike is stolen, this is the code the authorities use to track the bike. Also, try to make your bike unique. You can add a sticker on a particular location, a particular dent, or some unique scratches.


When reporting a bicycle theft, the first thing the police does is ask for the bicycle’s serial number and unique characteristics. It’s not always possible to stop a bike thief, but the bike is at least recordable with these features in mind.

10. Parking in Well Lit Areas

If you are the type that commutes at night, always park in a place with good visibility, preferably directly under a streetlight. Thieves are reluctant to get attention when they work, and shining a big spotlight on the job is a powerful deterrent.

It is still unclear if it is better to park the bike near the traffic of many people. Unfortunately, many experiments have shown that, at least in the United States, few people get in the way of their work when a bicycle thief is stealing a bicycle.

Studies show that fear of conflict causes most people to ignore bicycle thieves at work or avoid contact in a hurry. This means that leaving an e-bike near a busy area does not necessarily prevent a thief from stealing it.

The downside is that parking in the back alley means that the thief is less likely to know that your bike is there. However, if someone finds a bike thief, the possibility of confronting the bike thief is also low.

But when in doubt, crowded areas are preferably the best for the people with e-bikes. Just because research shows that most people don’t stand up to the bike thief doesn’t mean that the thief has enough courage to test the theory.

11. Use the Maximum Destruction Method

This method involves locking your e-bike that requires serious damage before it gets unlocked. You need to lock your bike to something stronger than it to make it happen. I recommend metal posts, street lights, or concrete barriers.

Then, no matter how the lock passes through the bike, make sure there is as much damage as possible to remove the bike. Ideally, the lock should go through the frame triangle and at least one wheel, preferably the hub of the motor wheel.

This means that bike thieves can cut off the frame of an electric bike, effectively ruining it and cutting off the rim of the motor hub to break it into useful wheels. The more headaches caused by your electric bike, the more likely a bike thief will run away.


Unfortunately, electric bicycles can also be easy to steal like any other bike, and it also costs much more to replace. So, preventing e-bike theft is not to be taken lightly due to the increase in bike thefts in many places.

Some of the electric bike anti-theft tips outlined above are simple behavioral changes that can be made to better protect your e-bike from theft, but other tips require you to spend some money which is the hardware option. You decide how much your e-bike is worth to you.